At a glance – GLOSMO stands for:
- A broad social consensus to sustainably changing society, and the economic and social systems worldwide
- Eliminating the present fragmentation and lone-fighter attitude of precious initiatives and actors
- Bringing together all the different forces (movements of civil society, organizations, institutions, political parties, groups, individuals) of a solidarity, altruistic and non-materialistic world view for building a common social front (creating a platform)
A fundamental change of value systems and content of institutional education
1.1 A new social-ethical foundation for the formulation of all policy guidelines and laws
1.2 Social and solidary values as the base of human activity and relationships
1.3 Human action for the purpose of collective and nature-related enrichment
1.4 Individual performance and motivation for the overall social progress
1.5 Renewed understanding of personal and private property
1.6 Enforcement and expansion of fundamental and human rights to all basic needs
- A participatory democracy and the radical limitation of concentration of capital and power
2.1 Participatory democracy and expanding political participation of civil society, and democratic control of all areas of society
2.2 Collectivization (transfer to the public domain) of society determinative areas, creation and accessibility of thus generated social commons for all people
2.3 Strict limits of private capital and ownership accumulation in all areas of society
2.4 Strict limits of individual usurpation of power and social influence in all areas of society
2.5 No possibility of simultaneous appointments in politics, media or economy
- A fundamental reform of the social and economic systems
3.1 An end to enforced economic growth and competitiveness coercion
3.2 Dismantling of socially not justifiable income inequalities
3.3 Principle of solidarity social welfare state (justice) and guaranteed basic income
3.4 Banks as public institutions of the community and abolition of the interest rate system and stock exchange transactions
3.5 Ecological cycle economy and participatory enterprise management based on economic, social and environmental sustainability
3.6 Free trade based on global society-based comparative production advantages
3.7 Gradual transformation into a demand responsive economy based on the corresponding reorientation of value systems and educational content
- Establishing global democratic structures and readjustment of the United Nations
4.1 Redefinition and creation of an actual policy enforcement competency of the United Nations; Transfer of political and social key areas of national states to the responsibility of the world community
4.2 Planetary supervisory council for energy, natural resources and global environmental sustainability
4.3 Supranational military competence and ban of arms production and trade
- IN THE LONG TERM (socially and economically)
5.1 A gradual transfer of all existential and society determinative production and service systems to the public domain (socialization)
5.2 A gradual creation and administration of the global social commons
5.3 The dissolution of nation states and the creation of regional and local administrative areas
5.4 The creation of a planetary People’s Congress and its administrative planning council
5.5 The gradual decoupling of the global social commons from the monetary value (demonetarization)
5.6 A globally renewed social organization and structure of production
5.7 The gradual creation of a high universal standard of living for all people