1F251 A gradual transfer of all existential and society determinative production and service systems to the public domain (socialization)

A gradual transfer of all existential and society determinative production and service systems to the public domain (socialization):

As a precondition of the establishment of the social commons, it is first necessary to verify the decision-making authority or, where it exists, the (private) economic control over the goods and services which, in our definition, are assigned to the commons. In the key areas of a sustainable global social development in which decisions concerning the type, range and price of goods and services are made by private persons (private firms) and without oversight by society, corresponding measures are necessary in order to be able to ensure the continuous provision of the goods and services to be created for the purpose of global security and development during the subsequent stages of transition (introduction of the commons).

In accordance with a scale of priorities, the transfer of sector-specific service and production systems to the public sector – i.e. their takeover by an administration on behalf of society/community (and not of private interests) – can occur in several phases:

First phase: Basic services

Information and communications systems

Institutional education and vocational training

Public health system

Social security

Judiciary, police, military

Financial control

Weapons and arms control

Second phase: Basic provision

Drinking water

Basic foodstuffs

Family housing

Third phase: Strategic areas

Science and research


Natural and mineral resources

The genome



Recreation and culture