The creation of a planetary People’s Congress and its administrative planning council:
The creation and administration of the basic values for a society spanning the entire planet – that is, after the dissolution of separate states – must be organised globally and administered locally as part of a corresponding global system. Human needs must be continually assessed as to their nature and levels in order to be able to guarantee the resulting measures for securing a high universal standard of living founded on the basic values. As a general rule, the administration of the commons will assume a social participatory form. Which kinds of goods and services are needed will be determined by the (local) society. In practice, this information will be (electronically) processed through continuous participatory surveys. The kinds and levels of goods and services for which there is a demand is a function of the priorities and world view laid down by the corresponding education and moral and value structure, and remain consequently within the parameters of the scale of basic values and of the corresponding definition of the Universal Standard of Living.
A division of Planet Earth into rational pragmatic regional/local administrative units replaces the fragmentation into artificial separate states which hampers development and fosters conflict. Depending on comparative production advantages,[1] goods will be produced in corresponding regions and transported to other regions as necessary.
Elected in a social participatory form by the population, among the tasks of a planetary People’s Congress and its planning administration (= Social Administrative Council composed of regional and local administrative councils) will be to safeguard the domains of social life defined as belonging to the commons and to realise the necessary basic values (and moral structure) within society. Moreover, at the planetary level the People’s Congress and in particular the Social Administrative Council are responsible for ensuring that all human beings have access to the goods and services comprising the universal standard of living, in sufficient quantities and quality. In order to be able to accomplish this task, the Social Administrative Council draws upon the technical production and logistics departments, which are supervised by the corresponding Expert Commissions.
The People’s Congress and in particular its Social Administrative Council include therefore so-called specific Expert Commissions which will be responsible for guaranteeing and implementing social guidelines. The most important overall role in this regard is played by the Education and Ethics Commission, as for this will have significance, among other things, for the direction and development of social and ethical progress – and from the corresponding recommendations all other spheres of social life (for example the demand for goods and services, science and research) would derive from.
As regards the personnel of the Social Administrative Council and its Expert Commissions – and similarly with the members of the People’s Congress to be elected – these will necessarily be composed of representatives drawn from all regional/local administrative units. Aside from particular (technical) consultants/experts who can lend support to the regional representatives regarding specific technical issues, the actual members of the council and the commissions will be determined by the regional/local administrative units. This will involve candidates who come forward voluntarily exposing themselves every three years to a wide-ranging social debate in the corresponding regions and, subsequently, undergoing a participatory democratic election process in which those candidates are deemed to be elected who gain a two-thirds majority of the votes.
Such a participatory democratic decision-making and organisational model combining local-regional priorities with global responsibility is fundamental for the functioning of the Globally Renewed Society as defined by the basic values set forth above, and is at the same time the presupposition for hindering the hypothetical formation of authoritarian structures and even of elites.[2]
[1] In this context ‘comparative’ refers to ecological, technical and logistical parameters, and not, as at present, to competitive advantages (such as, among other things, local wage costs and investment and tax incentives).
[2] Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that the danger of a potential abuse of power (for example in setting priorities) or the formation of authoritarian structures is greatest during the initial phase of a new social formation, that is as long as the new global social value structure has not been fully consolidated through social conditioning and education.