Gradual uncoupling of the social commons from monetary value (demonetarization):
After society has taken control of the service and production systems assigned to the commons (i.e. their transfer to the public domain) and after the corresponding social and economic sectors have been placed at the disposal of all human beings, even if still involving in part the necessity of a monetary exchange, the issue is to launch a gradual uncoupling of the social commons from monetarism altogether. The challenge is not necessary to deprive all goods and services which were defined in monetary terms until then of their monetary equivalents. Instead it is to provide corresponding compensation for the labour initially involved in the creation of the corresponding goods and services, which logically would no longer command a monetary equivalent; or, alternatively, it is to guarantee an equally high universal standard of living as that enjoyed by those who are not initially directly involved in the creation of the social commons.
Here it must be emphasised, however, that the goods, services and basic values included in the commons, or in the universal standard of living to which each human being has a right, already include almost all of the spheres of life in a modern and a Globally Renewed Society. This means that, as a result of the demonetarisation of the commons (and thus of the universal standard of living) and, as a precondition, its simultaneous provision to all human beings, a monetary equivalent for the required labour is bereft of any logic or necessity. Only during the gradual transition, as the uncoupling of the commons occurs in phases, sector by sector, and thus the universal standard of living is not yet uniformly available to all human beings, is it necessary to facilitate (leave open) the access of demonetarised labour to those goods and services which may not yet be uncoupled from monetarism, and hence still have a corresponding monetary value.
It is important to emphasise that this stage in the gradual uncoupling of the commons from the monetary value can scarcely be achieved at the national level (individual states) alone. Instead it can be successfully undertaken only after the establishment of a Planetary Administrative Council at the international (planetary) level, the dismantling of nation-states (borders) and their replacement by regional/local administrative zones, and the introduction of the social commons in all administrative zones (initially in former separate states).