Redefinition and creation of an actual policy enforcement competency of the United Nations; Transfer of political and social key areas of national states to the responsibility of the world community:
A reform of the United Nations as an institution must go beyond the customary demands for increased efficiency, minimisation of costs and dismantling bureaucracy. The long overdue reform of the Security Council and a quantum leap in the political implementation authority of the United Nations are decisive if this potentially utmost important institution is to achieve genuine global political relevance.
The composition of the Security Council, which at present is still based in essence on the victorious powers of the Second World War (plus China), is utterly obsolete and has long since cease to cohere with the necessary structure of a political body of potential global significance. Aside from military strength and economic productive capability, such factors as population size , possession of geo-strategically important natural resources (especially water, arable land, oil and gas reserves, minerals, heavy metals including uranium, flora and fauna) as well as geographical extent/size, must be decisive parameters for determining the composition of the Security Council. On this basis, the Council would have to be composed as follows:
Far Eastern Hemisphere (China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Australia),
Eastern Hemisphere (Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia),
African Hemisphere (South Africa, Congo, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Algeria, Libya),
European Hemisphere (Germany, England, France),
American Hemisphere (USA, Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina,Colombia).
The power of veto reserved for selected states (the victorious powers of the Second World War and China) lacks any justification and must be abolished.
As regards the actual global political relevance of the United Nations, the necessary geo-strategic social and political domains must gradually be defined for which the word community (as represented by the United Nations) could not only enact legally binding ‘geo-laws’ to be applied in all member countries but could also monitor and enforce their application. Corresponding means must be provided to the world community, for example unimpeded access to information for supervisory bodies, sanctions and ultimately – in case of emergency – the option of military intervention. These political and social domains for which the world community would gradually take over primary responsibility from the nation-states in the medium term would include:
- Strict respect for and implementation of human rights (including a just remuneration of labour);
- Surveillance of conventional and ABC[1] weapons arsenals and of the international arms trade;
- Regulation and supervision of the financial markets and financial transactions;
- Use of natural resources (including water, arable land, oil and gas, heavy metals);
- Securing global ecological sustainability, protection of the environment and of the genome;
- Regulation of free trade based on global comparative production advantages.
Such fundamental reform and new foundation of the main planetary institutions of the world community would replace the functions of most other currently existing international organizations (today UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank, OECD) and thereby making them irrelevant. The United Nations (UN) organization should then also rename accordingly – perhaps in Organization of World Community (OWC).
[1] ABC – atomic, biological and chemical weapons.